Render three-dimensional models in NuxtContent with p5js
Three-dimensional models, whether they be of the format .obj
or .stl
, can be easily rendered in your Nuxt project by using the library.
I've been using p5 for a while now to tinker and explore generative art, some of which can be found in the /playground section of this website. To use it with Nuxt, a client-side plugin was created like so:
// plugins/p5.client.js
import p5 from 'p5'
export default defineNuxtPlugin(() => {
return {
provide: {
p5, p5
As I've been exploring 3d-printing lately, I wanted a way to showcase some of the models I've created directly on this website. So, the ModelPreview
component was created, which you can see in use below.
The Vue component was embedded in our markdown using the following syntax is used. The path
prop with the location of the file we want to render; in this case, that file is served on the website as well in the public/models
The component was registered globally by using the
filename so that it was accessible in our markdown. Alternatively, this could have been accomplished by placing the component in the components/content
folder. However, I wanted to use this component in both markdown and Vue files. See the NuxtContent documentation for more details.
The full source code for the ModelPreview
component at the time of this writing can be found below. Not too bad!
<div id="canvas" class="h-64" />
<script setup lang="ts">
const { $p5 } = useNuxtApp();
const { path, backgroundColor = 100 } = defineProps < { path: string, backgroundColor?: Number } > ()
onMounted(() => {
const sketch = (s) => {
const c = document.getElementById("canvas");
const WIDTH = c.clientWidth;
const HEIGHT = c.clientHeight;
let model;
let angle;
let rotate = true;
s.preload = () => {
model = s.loadModel(path, true);
s.setup = () => {
s.createCanvas(WIDTH, HEIGHT, s.WEBGL);
s.mouseClicked = () => {
rotate = false; // disable object rotation on click
s.draw = () => {
if (rotate) {
angle = s.frameCount * 0.005;
new $p5(sketch, "canvas");
Looking forward to sharing more models soon!