Impressions of Fennel with Hammerspoon
A while back I read an introductory book on Lisp programming titled, "The Little Schemer". This book opened my mind to new (to me) programming paradigms, and left me with a strong desire to find a way to incorporate Lisp programming into my every day life. It took some time, but I believe I've found what I've been looking for: Fennel.
The Fennel programming language is a dialect of Lisp that boasts compatibility with Lua, and it just so happens that two of my favorite applications are configured with exactly that language: Hammerspoon, and Neovim.
Initial Observations
To initially explore Fennel, I wanted to start small. My Hammerspoon configuration consists of 7 modules that I use for operations such as: launching applications, managing windows, keeping my computer from going to sleep, and general operating system automation. So the plan is to translate these modules into Fennel, while maintaining without breaking the existing functionality. However, at this point, I wasn't even sure how to embed Fennel into my project...
Integrating Fennel with Hammerspoon
While official documentation exists describing how to embed fennel into your
project; it didn't provide me with enough clarity to know my next steps on integrating
it with Hammerspoon. I found a few resources online demonstrating how to extend the
and package.cpath
properties in Lua, but I was unable to get this to
- https://blog.exupero.org/hammerspoon-with-fennel/
- https://github.com/Hammerspoon/hammerspoon/issues/2377#issuecomment-636331435
- https://github.com/agzam/spacehammer/blob/master/init.lua
Ultimately, I opted to include the fennel.lua
file to my Hammerspoon configuration,
and while not ideal, it does make the configuration nicely self-contained. I'll leave it
as a future task to include the module installed with LuaRocks.
With Fennel now included in my Hammerspoon configuration, all I need to do is configure
the fennel.path
to point to the *.fnl
files in the .hammerspoon/
directory, and
ttranslating these modules can begin!
-- init.lua
local fennel = require('fennel')
fennel.path = package.path .. ";" .. os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.hammerspoon/?.fnl"
table.insert(package.loaders or package.searchers, fennel.searcher)
require 'main'
Translating Lua to Fennel
As a Fennel novice, I was happy to see that the Fennel project provides an online
cross-compiler for Lua and Fennel called anti-fennel, and while it can generate some
strange-looking Fennel code, it was an extremely useful tool for me to get
up-and-running right away. For example, by pasting the simple sleep
from the helpers
module into the compiler:
function sleep(ms)
os.execute("sleep " .. tonumber(ms) / 1000)
(fn sleep [ms]
(os.execute (.. "sleep " (/ (tonumber ms) 1000))))
As another example, here is the output for my caffeine toggle:
hs.hotkey.bind(HYPER, "0", function()
if hs.caffeinate.get("displayIdle") then
helpers:show("Caffeine Enabled", nil, helpers.styles.success, helpers.assets.check)
helpers:show("Caffeine Disabled", nil, helpers.styles.error, helpers.assets.ban)
(hs.hotkey.bind HYPER :0
(fn [] (hs.caffeinate.toggle :displayIdle)
(if (hs.caffeinate.get :displayIdle)
(helpers:show "Caffeine Enabled" nil helpers.styles.success helpers.assets.check)
(helpers:show "Caffeine Disabled" nil helpers.styles.error helpers.assets.ban))))
This was especially helpful for more gnarly modules like the window
module used for
window management, and seeing the Lua and Fennel code side-by-side was a kick starter in
learning the language!
Next Steps
While my Fennel Hammerspoon configuration now works with parity to its Lua counterpart, I have not yet added new features or modules. I look forward to writing new Fennel code, and deepen my understanding of Lisp and the Fennel programming language.
Additionally, before beginning this endeavor, I was already aware of projects like spacehammer; a wildly impressive Hammerspoon configuration written in Fennel, but, I wanted to start small and learn the integration myself. However, with the basics out of the way, I hope to explore this project further, and seek lessons-learned for the configuration of my own.
The full pull-request for translating my Lua Hammerspoon configuration to Fennel can be found here: https://github.com/cmpadden/dotfiles/pull/19/files